Rothstein has more people to snitch on after his lengthy confession yesterday. The convicted fraudster said he stashed up to $1 million in cash in his law office so he could keep his criminal acts alive. The Ponzi schemer claims that, “We were handing out money like Santa Claus hands out candy canes to anybody that needed it for our purposes.” While in the middle of a 10-day deposition session behind closed doors, Rothstein said that he paid off former TD Bank executive Frank Spinosa and without his help and two other bank officials the fraud would have died. Investors who lost millions are suing TD Bank and Gibraltar Bank because they believe the banks employees allowed Rothstein’s scam to continue. Spinosa and his attorney deny the allegations just like everyone else Rothstein spilled on and believe he is only doing this so he can shorten his prison time. Do you think Spinosa is innocent? For more information go to .
Ken Hassett is a Criminal Defense Attorney. If you have committed a crime or have been arrested contact us at 954-791-3939.