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Under § 741.28, Fla. Stat. (2022), domestic violence is defined to include any of the following offenses that result in death or physical injury to a household member or family member of the defendant:
Household and family members are defined as including people with the following relationships with the defendant:
Other than people who share children in common with the defendant, household or family members must either currently live with the defendant or have done so in the past for a domestic violence charge to be supported.
In addition to the crimes listed above, domestic violence offenses also include any crime that results in the death or injury of a household or family member. Some of the common types of crimes of domestic violence that might be charged include the following:
Alleged victims of domestic violence can ask the court for an order of protection against domestic violence. This involves a civil hearing that is separate from a criminal case. A protection order might be issued even when a criminal case has not been filed. In a protection order hearing, the burden of proof required is lower than in a criminal case. Alleged victims only have to prove their allegations by a preponderance of the evidence to obtain a restraining order.
If an order of protection is issued, it can carry the following consequences:
Violating a domestic violence protection order can also be prosecuted as a separate crime that carries potential jail time and stiff fines.
There are multiple programs available to victims of domestic violence in Miami-Dade County through the Miami-Dade County Community Action and Human Services Department, including two shelters, two transitional housing facilities, three outreach units, and the Coordinated Victims Assistance Center. The department can be reached at (786) 469-4600.
The Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence (FCADV) is an association of the 42 domestic violence programs in Florida. This agency administers federal and state funds for domestic violence shelters and provides information on its website about the various programs and shelters overseen by FCADV.
Domestic violence crimes often arise when family or household members are involved in disputes. If one of the parties or a third party calls the police, the officers will often arrest someone even when there might not be any evidence to support criminal charges.
Unfortunately, some people falsely accuse others of committing acts of domestic violence. This might occur when a person wants to get revenge or obtain the upper hand in a divorce or child custody case.
An experienced Fort Lauderdale criminal defense lawyer at Hassett & Associates will carefully review the facts and circumstances to identify the best defenses available. Attorney Kenneth Hassett has years of experience and will work to build the strongest possible defense case for you. Call us today to learn more at (954) 791-3939.
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Charges: Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon, Domestic Battery
County: Palm Beach
Facts: Client was accused of threatening someone with a box cutter while arguing over contract work
Results: Case Dismissed, Record Expunged
Charges: Aggravated Assault, Witness Tampering, and Battery
County: Broward
Facts: Alleged Threat to Kill Common Law Wife while Holding Machete Knife
Results: Case Dismissed
Charges: Assault, Battery, Domestic Battery
County: Miami-Dade
Facts: Client was allegedly in a fight with her lover, and Client allegedly slapped her lover in her face and told the police that her lover threw a shoe at her.
Results: Case Dismissed, Record Expunged
Charges: Battery
County: Miami-Dade
Facts: Alleged Domestic Battery
Results: Case Dismissed
Charges: Battery
County: Miami-Dade
Facts: Client allegedly scratched her live in boyfriend during an argument
Results: Case Dismissed, Record Expunged
Charges: Battery, Obstruction of Justice Without Violence
County: Broward
Facts: Client was Accused of Physical Spousal Abuse
Results: Case Dismissed
Kenneth P. Hassett, Esq. Awards & Ratings