Danny Pham, a 36-year-old Lake Worth man, was arrested on Thursday for picking up a rooster at a post office. Pham is accused of violating his probation on February 2009 charges when he was arrested along with others attending a cockfight behind his home where more than 100 birds, including many dead roosters were confiscated at that time. The Boynton Beach Animal Control Officer Liz Roehrich informed the police of the pickup allegedly used for cockfighting and gambling purposes. Pham accepted a plea deal that included probation and a ban on contact with any animals, but he also had to pay for a national Humane Society reward offered to any neighbor who reported the fight. Do you think Pham violated probation, even if it’s a “cultural thing?” For more information go to .
Ken Hassett is a Criminal Defense Attorney. If you have committed a crime or have been arrested contact us at 954-791-3939.