Lebron James Step Father Arrested For DUI
The Miami Beach Police recently arrested the step-father of Miami Heat basketball star Lebron James, proving they are equal opportunity police officers with respect to arresting suspected drunk drivers. According to the official police report, Eddie Gene Jackson, a 47 year-old resident of Copley, Ohio was observed driving erratically when he was apparently attempting to stop at a traffic light that he had noticed too late. It just so happened that a Miami Beach police officer was sitting at the intersection. Jackson stopped beyond the crosswalk, stating that he was attempting to avoid an accident. After being waved through the intersection by the officer, Jackson was stopped and interrogated.
The arrest report did not list a blood-alcohol content level, but it stated Jackson had refused to comply with the arresting officer’s request for a field sobriety test. Florida is an implied consent state, which allows officers to arrest a suspected drunk driver for refusing to perform the field test without accepted material case evidence. In addition, Jackson was knowingly driving with a suspended drivers license and was duly charged.
The Akron Beacon-Journal reported in November 2012 that Jackson was arrested and convicted for driving under the influence in Ohio in a case that also included Jackson resisting arrest and shattering the state police cruiser windshield. Jackson’s criminal history also reflects a three-year prison sentence for mortgage fraud. The article indicated that Jackson and James had been very close at one time, with Jackson still listed as an Ohio resident.
The fact that Jackson is an Ohio resident can be a definite disadvantage in this case. The state of Florida has no empirical evidence to use as material case fact to prosecute DUI, but they do have the testimony of the police officer. An experienced Miami Dade DUI defense attorney can investigate the case and address this weakness when questioning the officer. The drivers license suspension will probably be more difficult to defend, but allowing Jackson to proceed through the intersection just to follow him for a potential traffic stop may not be a reasonable action by the officer. In this case, a dismissal may result.
Anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation and needs a Miami criminal defense lawyer should contact the Miami criminal defense law firm of Hassett & Associates at any of three locations in their Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, or Davie, Florida offices.