Abuse charges against parents have stiff consequences because the crime of hurting a child is so heinous. Recently, a man received a charge while he was at the Fort Lauderdale Airport. Patricio Gonzales was detained while he was going through the investigative process on a warrant that was issued upon him. The 55-year-old Ecuador native has a Palm Beach Gardens address in Florida. The officers at the U.S. Customs & Border Protection office had no choice but to detain him. The police held him first at the Broward County Jail and then moved him to the Palm Beach County facility. He will need a Palm Beach County criminal attorney to assist him with the charges that he received.
Gonzales received four charges of crimes against children. The first two charges were for assault and battery of a child who was older than 12 years and younger than 18 years of age. The other two charges were for lewd and lascivious behavior against child who was older than 12 years old and under the age of 18 years old. Both charges have severe consequences if the judge finds him guilty. A Palm Beach County attorney will be able to assist him with a defense.
Penalties for Crimes Against Minors
The term “lewd and lascivious act against a minor” can sometimes be used to describe child molestation. Child molestation is a high-level offense that violates federal laws as well as the state laws. The penalties for child molestation are severe. Gonzales can receive up to 20 years behind bars and fines of up to $10,000. The other charges of assault and battery can leave the defendant with a sentence of up to 25 years in jail depending on the circumstances. Such a case definitely needs the attention of a criminal defense attorney in the area.
Kenneth Hassett Can Help
If you or someone you know has been accused of a similar crime as the ones in the above-mentioned story, do not hesitate to contact the law offices of Kenneth Hassett to hope. Mr. Hassett has been in the criminal defense field for Many years. Mr. Hassett works on the premise that one is innocent until proven guilty. People in the office are available at all hours of the day and night to schedule an appointment for a consultation. You can request one by calling 954-791-3939 and scheduling a meeting.