A sergeant in the United States Army was arrested as part of law enforcement sting operation designed to nab individuals attempting to arrange sexual encounters with underage children. In this case, the man communicated with law enforcement investigators online, individuals who he believed in fact were two underage girls. He believed he was arranging a sexual encounter with a 12 and a 14 year-old girl.
The illicit tryst was set to occur in Broward County, Florida. The Army sergeant showed up at the designated rendezvous site with cash, condoms, lubricant and candy. The officer made his first appearance in federal court. The judge is contemplating whether or not the man will be released on bond pending further proceedings in the case.
The arrested Army officer indicated that he is scheduled for a military transfer out of state. That proposition may actually work against his release on bond. Leaving the jurisdiction theoretically enhances the possibility that he will not be present in court for further proceedings. On the other hand, as a member of military, his superiors will demand that he fully cooperate in the judicial proceedings surrounding the criminal charge.
A person facing criminal charges involving the enticement of a minor in the Ft. Lauderdale area needs to retain the services of skilled, experienced Broward criminal attorney. The reality is that the sanctions associated with this type of crime are significant. The only way that a person arrested on a charge involving the enticement of minor child can truly protect his rights and interests is with a tenacious Broward criminal defense lawyer.
Kenneth Hassett is a Broward criminal attorney with experience representing people charged with sex crimes involving children, including child enticement. An initial consultation can be scheduled with attorney Hassett by calling 954-791-3939. If a person is incarnated, Hassett can arrange to meet a prospective client at the facility in which he or she is detained.
During an initial consultation, an attorney discussed the facts and circumstances of a particular case with the person charged with a crime. In addition, a lawyer outlines possible defense strategies and answers and questions the person charged might have at that time. There is no charge for an initial consultation with Kenneth Hassett.