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Alonzo Mourning Left the Scene of a Crash

Retired basketball player and Miami Heat executive Alonzo Mourning,41, was cited with a midemeanor on Monday by the Florida Highway Patrol for leaving the scene of a crash. The report said the car driven by Mourning, of Coral Gables, hit the Audi that had been driven by William Candalerio, 21, of North Miami giving Mourning’s 2010 Porsche Panamera S an estimated $10,000 in damage. However, Candalerio’s car went through two crashes with an estimated $11,000 in total damage. He received $6,000 from the first crash with the Chevy and $5,000 from Mourning’s Porsche. Mourning got out of his car and checked on Candalerio and the driver of the Chevy, but allegedly left the scene. Mourning did notify the Highway Patrol about the incident and was told to return to the crash site. However, Mourning was cited for leaving the scene without giving information which could give him a fine or points on his license. He will also receive a notice to appear before a hearing officer. Meanwhile, Candalerio was cited for careless driving in the first crash which can give him an infraction that can bring a fine or enrollment in traffic school. But most importantly, a lawyer for Candalerio announced last week that he was suing Mourning for negligence. Things look like they are turning upside down for Mourning. Luckily for him that no one got seriously hurt? Would you sue Mourning for negligence? Do you think Candalerio is only suing Mourning because of who he is? For more information go to http://www.sun-sentinel.com/sports/miami-heat/fl-mourning-crash-folo-20110725,0,6690540.story.

If you have been in an accident similar to this and need the defense of a criminal defense lawyer, contact the Law offices of Ken Hasset.

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