Property crimes sometimes pose a problem for residents of the Fort Lauderdale Area. Communities in South Florida strive to maintain law-abiding business settings. Yet in some situations, individuals find themselves accused of criminal activities, including larceny, Petit Theft, or even Grand Theft. What steps can an accused take to defend against these types of charges in court?
Fortunately, the criminal defense law firm of Hassett & Associates, P.A. offers a knowledgeable resource. Kenneth P. Hassett has practiced law in Fort Lauderdale and Miami since 1991. His law firm serves as a valuable resource for people seeking zealous legal representation in Florida criminal courts.
A News Headline Attracts Public Attention
Recently, law enforcement officers in Florida arrested three suspects in connection with an organized theft ring suspected of stealing luxury goods from several upscale Las Olas Boulevard retailers. Video surveillance cameras recorded some of these disturbing incidents. Police continue to investigate the crimes, which occurred over the span of several months.
Shoplifting today poses a significant concern for numerous businesses. However, the theft of valuable merchandise, such as expensive watches or designer clothing, sometimes elevates thievery from Petit Theft to Grand Theft (a charge carrying significantly more serious penalties for a convicted defendant). Every year, the theft of merchandise from retail stores in Florida damages the community. It imposes higher costs of doing business on honest people.
The Important Role of Criminal Defense Attorneys
The public in Florida appreciates the efforts of law enforcement to prevent crimes, including larcenies and thefts. Yet residents of the Sunshine State also recognize the vital importance of the work performed by a Fort Lauderdale criminal lawyer. The justice system in the United States requires that every defendant receives due process. Defendants deserve a full (and fair) opportunity to contest the charges brought against them. Anyone charged with Grand Theft in this community should consult with an experienced Fort Lauderdale grand theft lawyer.
What happens when the police arrest someone on a serious criminal charge, such as Grand Theft? As a Fort Lauderdale grand theft lawyer, Hassett & Associates, P.A. welcomes the opportunity to meet with an accused defendant. The criminal defense law firm gladly explores furnishing legal representation for anyone accused of a crime in Fort Lauderdale or South Florida.
Call (954)791-3939 to speak with Fort Lauderdale criminal lawyer Hassett & Associates, P. A.