One obtains property by False Pretenses where he or she intentionally misrepresents to the victim a present or past fact with intent to defraud the victim into transferring to another person title to personal property, not just mere possession of it. The misrepresented fact must be a material or important fact and not an extraneous or incidental exaggeration or insignificant detail. If you have been charged with False Pretenses, it would be beneficial to speak to a criminal defense attorney regarding your rights and strategies in forming a criminal law strategic defense. Criminal Defense Attorney Kenneth P. Hassett of Hassett and Associates, P.A. has been in the practice of criminal law defense since 1991in Miami Dade County, Fort Lauderdale, Broward County, and other parts of South Florida. Hassett and Associates, P.A. provides immediate free consultation with a False Pretenses Attorney 24 hours per day seven days per week. A criminal defense lawyer can help a person charged with a crime to ultimately reach a more favorable result.
817.03 Making false statement to obtain property or credit.
The information on this page does not represent legal advice. Florida Statues obtained from Online Sunshine,, the official site of the Florida Legislature. Because the law is continually changing, some of the provisions contained herein may be out of date. It is always wise to seek counsel from an experienced criminal attorney like Kenneth Hassett.
If you have been charged as an Accessory After the Fact or a Principal in the First Degree to a criminal offense in Broward or Miami-Dade County, call Criminal Defense Attorney Kenneth P. Hassett.