After conviction, the judge schedules a sentencing hearing for the criminal defendant. During this hearing, the defendant will have the opportunity to speak to the judge. The defendant should not say anything to the judge without having first discussed it with the criminal defense attorney. The criminal defense attorney, the defendant’s family, the defendant’s friends, and any other interest persons will also have the opportunity to speak to the judge. It is best to prepare a list of people who will be speaking on the defendant’s behalf so that the criminal defense lawyer is prepared and knows what to expect. When the judge issues a sentence, it is immutable unless the judge learns of new information within sixty days of the sentencing hearing that would cause him or her to have a change of mind.
The information on this page does not represent legal advice. Because the law is continually changing, some of the provisions contained herein may be out of date. It is always wise to seek counsel from an experienced Fort Lauderdale Sentencing Attorney like Kenneth Hassett.