A quadrupling of transient sex offenders within Broward County since 2011 was the basis for a recent crackdown by the Fort Lauderdale Police and other law enforcement agencies. This process was conducted over the past six weeks, resulting in 22 arrests.
The undertaking, which included the help of the U.S. Marshals Service and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, was meant to enforce legislation that was crafted in the Florida statehouse in 2014. That decreed that sex offenders who don’t have a permanent address or are deemed either transient or homeless, need to register with the sheriff’s office where they’re located.
That location can be as basic as an intersection, but failure to do so every 30 days is considered a third degree felony. In Fort Lauderdale, sex offenders must maintain a distance of at least 1,400 feet from any park, school bus stop or school.
The arrests, which included some transients located as far away as Colorado, will likely continue in the months ahead. The key reason stems from law enforcement officials’ approval of the aggressive approach taken by the Fort Lauderdale Police, with the idea being that it can be used as an example for other police departments.
Individuals that are picked up on such charges, whether they happen to be transient or not, will be in need of a Fort Lauderdale sex crimes lawyer that has experience arguing all types of cases in this realm. In some cases, the crime itself can be an accident or misrepresentation of the actual facts.
Kenneth Hassett is a Fort Lauderdale sex crimes lawyer who knows how wide-ranging Florida law can be, He and his staff know that legislators often overreach when it comes to offering protection to victims and those who could be vulnerable to predators.
Without such assistance, those accused of such crimes can fall victim to prosecutors that twist concepts like consent and mental capacity to suit their purposes. That can result in a miscarriage of justice for the accused or the ruining of a reputation, regardless if the individual is acquitted of such crimes.
So if you or someone you know has been accused of such crimes and is in need of a Fort Lauderdale sex crimes lawyer, make sure to contact the law offices of Hassett and Associates. We’ll work diligently to see that you receive the very best defense possible. Contact us today at 954-791-3939.